Guillermo Garza is a Mexican-American designer based in Brooklyn, New York.
He obtained a B.A in Architecture at Pratt Institute, with a Minor in Museum and Gallery Studies

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Guillermo Garza is a Mexican-American architecture student based in Brooklyn, New York.
He is currently studying at
Pratt Insititute.


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[in english ]
Born in Monterrey, Mexico, and raised in Saltillo, Guillermo grew up around a family muralists and sculptors before immigrating to San Antonio, Texas where they worked as a Saltillo tile installer while exploring architecture at San Antonio Community College. They continued into Pratt Institute's Bachelor of Architecture program in 2019, where they experienced a broadening of their perspective on global architecture, rediscovered and celebrated their Mexican identity. They faced isolation due to a lack of representation but found solace and support through the student-led chapter of NOMAS, now taking on the role of President to continuie building a strong community for minority architecture students and foster career connections. Their experience at Pratt fueled ambition for their future as a Latino designer, proud of their heritage and upbringing. 

[en español]
Nacido en Monterrey, México, y criado en Saltillo, Guillermo creció en torno a una familia de muralistas y escultores antes de emigrar a San Antonio, Texas, donde trabajaron como instaladores de piso Saltillo mientras exploraba la arquitectura en San Antonio Community College. El continuó con el programa de Licenciatura en Arquitectura de Pratt
Institute en el 2019, donde experimentó una ampliación de su perspectiva sobre la arquitectura global, redescubrió y celebró su identidad mexicana. Se enfrentó al aislamiento debido a la falta de representación, pero encontró consuelo y apoyo a través del capítulo dirigido por estudiantes de NOMAS, que ahora asume el papel de Presidente para continuar construyendo una comunidad sólida para estudiantes de arquitectura de minorías y fomentar conexiones profesionales. Su experiencia en Pratt alimentó la ambición por su futuro como diseñador latino, orgulloso de su herencia y educación.